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Kali and I at her fams house in New Jersey before going to the Orientation in New York |
My mom followed us all the way to security, and that's where i had to say goodbye to her. Neither of us cried, but we just kept telling each other how much we love each other. I'm going to miss her so much
I got through security, after having being pulled aside like 3 times. Once for my laptop, i had to take that out. another for my liquids, and then another for having my giant tube of yummy smelling lotion, i had to throw it out :(
Immediatly after i got through security i texted my mom telling her i made it through. I went and got breakfast, starbucks, fruit cup, and breakfast burrito. we got onto the plane, and i ate, then slept. then we got off in minneapolis, and had about an hour layover. then we headed back onto another plane, which took us to new jersey. we got picked up and taken to kalis familys house. It's really nice here! before today i had never been on the east coast before, and i really like it!
We were welcomed, and the first thing we did was eat! we had a lot of good food, pasta, salad, etc. the thing is though, that my eating scheduel is messed up. i ate breakfast at like 6am. and had no lunch, and then ate dinner here at 5(seattle time i think, or around that time) but now its 10(seattle time) and im starving. i just dug through my carry on and i am so happy i brought candy bars haha
Ive mostly been on skype tonight, and we all sat around in their living room and we watched little miss sunshine, it was cute. haha I love it here, except for the fact that its hot.. i hate the heat.
Ok well just thought id update you
I'm lying here now on a blow up mattress on the floor right next to kali, and she is already asleep, i think that means i should be sleeping too.. we have a huge day ahead of us tomorrow!
The next da Kali and I went off to the hotel. When we got there, there were only about 20 of us, so while we waited for everyone else we played mafia. When everyone got there, we had some orientation. To me it was just information I already knew, so it was pretty boring. At the orientation there were also kids going to Ghana, and Portugal, but there was only like 5 for each. On the other hand there was 59 going to Italy. That night curfew was 10:30, but until that time we all hung out in each others rooms and people who brought their guitars played music and sang. After 10:30 we all had to be in our rooms and it was suggested we go to bed around that time so we can get up in the morning. But my roommate and I got along really well and we talked for a long time..
The next morning we all got up and had more orientation, and then we left the hotel at around 4pm. We headed off to the airport, once we passed through security (which took a long time) we went to the terminal and we were each given $10 for dinner. We all went off on our own and most people got pizza, which was just stupid to me since we are going to Italy, there will be plenty pizza there.
We boarded the plane, and the flight was long and boring. Then we had our connection flight which was also boring. Throughout this time I only slept 2 hours. We got to the airport in Rome, and got our luggage, then walked through the doors and afs intercultura welcomed us. We boarded buses, and the bus ride was about 2.5 hours long. I slept on the bus (2 more hours) and when we got off the bus, a group of maybe 5 people jumped on me. I was so confused, but then I looked down at their name tags and realized who they were, they were people I had been talking to on facebook! Haha it was so weird. Anyways, we didn’t really do much the first day since everyone was arriving at different times. It just cool to be surrounded by people from around the world, and it was awesome because everyone was soo friendly, esp since you all know you’re all in the same position. My first thought when arriving was “woah, there are a lot of foreigners” but then I realized I was one of them.
We had to be in our rooms by about 11, but no one did bed check so we (my roommates and i) stayed up and chatted for awhile. The next day was all orientation, it was very boring, but I heard of some groups who had very interesting orientations where they played games. (we broke off into groups based on regions). That night everyone took pictures together, it didn’t matter if you knew them, everyone was just so friendly and was so in awe by you being from another country, so it was completely normal for a person to come up to you with a camera and take a picture with you. And it was completely normal for a random person to jump into a picture. When it was time to go to bed, we had to leave the square and go to our rooms. Bed time was more so enforced the second night because some people had to leave as early as 5:30am or 6am(me). So we went to bed, and the next morning I woke up my roommates to say goodbye(due to their request, not to be annoying) and I packed my stuff and left. Everyone who was going to my region left with me, and we boarded the buses, headed off to the trin station where we ate breakfast and then boarded the train in Rome.
The train ride was about 3 hours, there were a few stops like blogna, and one other, then it was milano. On the train some slept, some ate, some just chatted with others.. then we got to our stop, and we were all just so anxious. We got off the train and afs intercultural welcomed us, then (since there were so many of us going near Milan) there was a welcome ceremony for us(only two of them, in rome and Milan). We each had to stand up in front of everyone and introduce ourselves, then we met our families, and there was a giant picture taken of EVERYONE!
My Host family and I got my bags and left, we headed straight towards our little town, where we first had pizza. Then we went to the house, where they showed me around, then I took a nap since i was just so tired. I was woken up by my host father since my mom was on skype apparently, and I chatted with her for awhile which was nice
That night we had corn on the cob(American thing), and my host mom wanted me to have Italian for lunch, and American for dinner, and that was just how it was. I LOVE ITALIAN FOOD!
So yeah I went to bed, then the next morning I slept in(I did not have school as I thought I would) and I woke and no one was home. I hung around for awhile, and then myhost parents came home for lunch. Then they took me to the office and I hung out there. Then we picked up sofia and gabri from school. After school we went into town to shop for a bit, we got ice cream as well! It was so good! Then we went home for dinner, I forgot what we ate, but everything in italy is good haha
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