Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Hey guys! I’m Rachael, a 16 year old from Seattle, WA. I’m going to be going abroad in Italy my junior year of high school, and I’m SO excited! I absolutly cannot wait! A little about me: I love music, food, beaches, swings, dancing, sports, friends, family, and honesty. That pretty much sums me up :)
I want to go abroad because I know that as a person I will grow a lot, and learn a lot of new things. I chose AFS program specifically because I know I could trust them. They are well organized and have a really good reputation, I felt as though I could trust my whole abroad experience and leave it to them, in their hands.
I am sooo looking forward to this GREAT experience. I’m mostly excited about just learning a new language, becoming immersed in a whole new culture, learning so many new things and trying new things. I really want to go out of my comfort zone, and know that I can become a mature independent young adult, and overall grow as a person.
I hope that in the future, I will become much more involved in AFS, it’s a really fun and engaged program. I like that just by volunteering every so often, you become such great friends with people all around the world, and you make great lifetime connections!
There are a few things I really need to prepare for though, and one of them is fundraising. I really want to be able to help my mom in being able to pay for this whole program. I feel bad, and I want to help out as much as I can! I’ve already been babysitting a lot, doing yard work, pet sitting and dog walking. I’ve been trying to raise as much as I can, so far i’ve only made about $400. I am going to continue working until I leave, as my goal is $3500.
Thanks for your time!
To sponsor my AFS program now, please click the ChipIn button.

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